Conditionals 1o bachillerato pdf


1º de Bachillerato - REPORTED SPEECH 1.- WHAT IS REPORTED SPEECH? In direct speech we repeat exactly what someone said: He said 'I don't like football' In reported speech, however, we tell what someone said without repeating his exact words. He said (that) he didn't like football. 30_day_song_challenge TRENDS1_AIO_Revision1 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision2 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision3 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision4 UNIT 1 SMARTPHONE ADS NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM CONVERSATION AT A MUSEUM Adverbs of manner…

Este sitio puede ser útil para reforzar tus conocimientos y tener más información sobre el inglés a lo largo de la secundaria.

REVISING EXERCISES- 1º bachillerato 2013-2014 REVISING EXERCISES- 1º bachillerato 2013-2014 (tienes las soluciones al final del documento) 1) Complete the email with the correct tense: Hi Paul, Thanks for your email. I’m glad you _____ (enjoy) your university course. CONDITIONALS: 1) Charlie didn’t leave early, and so he missed the bus. (Type 3) REPHRASING - AMPA IES La Creueta, Onil REPHRASING 1. She started drinking too much alcohol two years ago. - She has 2. I don’t have a computer so I can’t type the essay on English grammar. - If 3. Despite having been vaccinated she caught the flu. - Although she 4. “We will arrest them for illegal entry in the country”, the policeman said. - The policeman said 5. El Blog para 1º Bachillerato: REWRITING/REPHRASING ACTIVITIES

Este sitio puede ser útil para reforzar tus conocimientos y tener más información sobre el inglés a lo largo de la secundaria.

Grammar videos: Conditionals – exercises 3. Check your grammar: gap fill Write one word to complete each conditional sentence. 1. If I _____ enough money, I'd buy a car. INGLÉS BACHILLER: REPHRASING EXERCISES Try to complete the 200 rephrasing sentences on the worksheet, good luck! click here Esercizi 6 aprile 2011 - Conditionals Microsoft Word - Esercizi 6 aprile 2011 - Conditionals Author: Administrator Created Date: 3/4/2011 6:25:20 PM MODALES EN INGLES EJERCICIOS RESUELTOS Y COMENTADOS ...

Burlington Books is one of Europe's most respected publishers of English language teaching materials, with over two million students learning from its books and multimedia programs, which include speech training, career training, ELT materials and software.

Extra Practice - Burlington Books Online Burlington Books is one of Europe's most respected publishers of English language teaching materials, with over two million students learning from its books and multimedia programs, which include speech training, career training, ELT materials and software. 1º BACHILLERATO – javiyourteacher 30_day_song_challenge TRENDS1_AIO_Revision1 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision2 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision3 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision4 UNIT 1 SMARTPHONE ADS NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM CONVERSATION AT A MUSEUM Adverbs of manner… Conditional Sentences – Second Condition Verb Tenses in ...

Rephrasing Passive Voice - IES ALFONSO X EL SAB Rephrasing Passive Voice Rewrite these sentences so their meaning doesn’t change, the beginning is given 1. A jeep picked up the soldiers from the base. The soldiers…were picked up from the base by a jeep. 2. We ought to invite Susan to the party. Susan…should be invited to the party. 3. The police took the angry youth away. Aula Virtual del IES ALBARREGAS 2º de Bachillerato. 2º BACH A. 2º BACH B. 2º BACH C. 2º BACH D. 1º de Bachillerato. 1º BACH A. 1º BACH B. 1º BACH C. 1º BACH D. 1º BACH E. Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. 4º DE ESO. 4º ESO A. 4º ESO B. 4º ESO C. 4º ESO D. 4º ESO E. Ciclos Formativos. Administración y Finanzas. AFI 1 (7) AFI 2 (2) Asistencia a la Dirección 1º /2º BACHILLERATO - PDF DATABASE

Grammar videos: Conditionals – exercises 3. Check your grammar: gap fill Write one word to complete each conditional sentence. 1. If I _____ enough money, I'd buy a car. INGLÉS BACHILLER: REPHRASING EXERCISES Try to complete the 200 rephrasing sentences on the worksheet, good luck! click here Esercizi 6 aprile 2011 - Conditionals Microsoft Word - Esercizi 6 aprile 2011 - Conditionals Author: Administrator Created Date: 3/4/2011 6:25:20 PM

Try to complete the 200 rephrasing sentences on the worksheet, good luck! click here

MODAL VERBS (THEORY AND EXERCISES) 1º y 2º BACHILLERATO. Un verbo modal es aquel que se usa en combinación con un verbo principal para expresar obligación, prohibición, capacidad o habilidad para realizar alguna tarea, para hacer recomendaciones, etc. Burlington Books Online Burlington Books is one of Europe's most respected publishers of English language teaching materials, with over two million students learning from its books and multimedia programs, which include speech training, career training, ELT materials and software. Extra Practice - Burlington Books Online Burlington Books is one of Europe's most respected publishers of English language teaching materials, with over two million students learning from its books and multimedia programs, which include speech training, career training, ELT materials and software. 1º BACHILLERATO – javiyourteacher 30_day_song_challenge TRENDS1_AIO_Revision1 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision2 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision3 TRENDS1_AIO_Revision4 UNIT 1 SMARTPHONE ADS NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM CONVERSATION AT A MUSEUM Adverbs of manner…